Launch of Fantasy Haven

The Launch of Fantasy Haven

After a grueling amount of time, I have finally finished my first full game! I know it isn't much on the surface but I sure did learn a lot from making it!! I am very proud of it! It is quite simple though as I didn't get everything I originally planned to put into the game , in it. I intended to add resource gathering, crafting and random events that popped up but I had a lot of limiting factors that held me back. I know there is still a lot I can do to the game to improve it but at this point, I am looking for feedback to help improve in all aspects! Now that I have a lot more understanding of how things need to be structured, I wont make things even more difficult for myself next time... as much as I can help it. 


Fantasy Haven.exe 651 kB
53 days ago
Fantasy Haven Full Credits.txt 10 kB
53 days ago

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